Thursday, December 3, 2009

changing the day

Morgan didn't come off like he was turning babyface as much as he will just keep being a tweener, doubt he will help Angle win at the ppv, probably come close to beating Sting, and then peter graham Angle sneaks in to take him out, and then ends up pinning Sting himself to retain. So he will come close, but not close enough.

That was a very solid last Styles/Morgan allied brands match and I'll be interested to see where they go next with AJ. He took Morgan's finishing kick really good, sold it well. I'm betting they add Eric Young v. Styles at the ppv.

Good show overall though, not the greatest job in baskin robbins australia building the ppv on Sunday, but it's a weak card going into it, so it was kind of doomed from the start. The last three weeks, though, they've pushed Morgan, Hernandez, and Lashley pretty damn strong and that's a huge plus for the future of things.